

Farmer Brothers commissioned 澳门足彩app to help expand its production to 96 million pounds of roasted coffee per year.

在将其主要的咖啡生产从加利福尼亚转移到德克萨斯州之后, 农民兄弟公司邀请哈斯克尔为一项工程服务, 采购 and 建设 (EPC) project to expand production at a new facility in the 达拉斯-Fort Worth area. The project was broken into multiple phases that began with master planning and design before moving into the actual project 执行 and startup. 总共, this new expansion would increase the facility’s production capacity to produce 96 million pounds of roasted coffee per year.

We designed process and packaging systems to take our client from raw materials to packaged products.

Our master plan for consolidating Farmer Brothers’ 烤 and packaging into one facility began with receiving areas for the raw materials, 在这种情况下, 绿咖啡豆. 从那里, 这个过程包括卸载设备, 清洁, 混合, 烤, grinding and flavoring the beans before sending them to packaging and palletizing the final product. 还计划并增加了储存空间,以便在烘焙前保存咖啡豆. 额外收集废物的处理系统, 比如咖啡豆糠, 是否也包含在系统中, as was material-handling equipment designed to move 100 cases per minute from all packaging lines. 每个阶段都成功执行, 包括完成所有新系统的启动和调试.

新系统使Farmer Brothers能够更好地为客户服务.

随着新工艺和包装生产线的启动和运行, Farmer Brothers现在能够为其客户帐户提供额外的产品. 随着业务的不断发展,我们期待着继续保持合作关系.

  • 多阶段EPC
  • 新工艺和包装生产线
  • 总体规划服务, 专业技术, 工程, 采购, 建设, 执行, 开机调试
  • 原料接收为生咖啡豆
  • Systems for 烤, flavoring, 混合, batching, packaging and palletizing the final product
  • 新系统每年可生产9600万磅烘焙咖啡豆
  • 存储扩展,以容纳绿色和烤豆


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